Thank You, Next Book Tag

1. Name a book that you said thank you, next to.

I don't remember a book that I have DNFd. There has definitely been one or two but I can't remember any titles.

2. Name a book that taught you love.

The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. We are all outsiders at some point. You should treat people nicely.

3. Name a book that taught you patience.

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo. The man sure knows how to add unnecessary words. The abridged version is better than the unabridged.
4. Name a book that taught you pain.

Ulysses by James Joyce. Punctuation man! Punctuation!! The sentences run on and on and on and on and on.....

5. Name a book that you loved at the time of reading but in hindsight you don't anymore.

The Famous Five by Enid Blyton series. Loved this as a child. Rereading as an adult is definitely not the same as reading it as a child.

6. Name a book that you're currently talking to. ie have the hots for.

The book I currently have the hots for is I believe in a thing called love y Maurene Goo. Can't wait to pick this up!

7. Name a book that's gon last. The book that helped you loved yourself a little bit more.

Harry Potter series. My eternal love!!!


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