Christmas At Hogwarts Magical Readathon TBR!

BookRoast on Youtube is back again with another magical readathon, a Christmas edition this time so naturally I had to participate in this one. 

You can find the link to her video explaining the readathon rules here. It runs from the 17th of December until the 26th December and there are a bunch of challenges that you can choose from but ultimately you only really need to read 4 books and finish a book that you have already started.

I will list the challenges I have decided to follow as well as the books I have chosen for them.

1. Finish your coursework. (finish your current read)

I am currently reading Queen of Air and Darkness by Cassandra Clare but I have only just started so hopefully I can get through it quickly as it is a really long book. Over 900 pages!

2. Have a snowball fight with the Weasley twins (a book that you think will be humourous)

I decided on I believe in a thing called love by Maurene Goo as it is about a Korean American girl who uses K-Drama techniques to try and get the boyfriend of her dreams which I think will be a really fun and funny read.

3. Visit the 3 Broomsticks for Muller pixie wine. (a read that should take a day/evening)

I have decided on reading an old childhood favourite book series, the babysitters club and reading Mallory and the mystery diary as it will definitely be a quick read and I like reading childhood favourites every now and again.

4. Exchange presents at your common room. (a read featuring/about friendship)

I chose The Chaos of Standing Still by Jessica Brody. It isn't a typical book about friendship but it does feature friendship in it. Plus it is set around New Years so I figured it would be a good time to read it.

5. Fly around snowy Hogwarts grounds. (a book with a building on the cover)

I chose Anne of Avonlea by L M Montgomery for this because I really want to continue on with the series and this is the perfect time for it!

6. Attend the Christmas feast (watch a Harry Potter movie)

I haven't decided which Harry Potter movie I want to watch for this but I will probably start with the first and then watch all the rest over my Christmas/New Years break if I finish all the challenges early.

Let me know if you are participating and what books your will be reading!


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