29 Dates - Melissa De La Cruz Review

29 Dates follows Jisu, a young South Korean girl as she navigates a new high school in a different country after her parents find her struggling to cope at her very competitive high school in Seoul and send her off to America.  Living with a host family, Jisu has a hard time juggling school and new friends as well as going on blind dates that her mother's match maker sends her on.

I really enjoyed this book. I liked Jisu and how she always had an open mind when going on her blind dates even though she didn't want to be there. I liked that she stood up for herself and always spoke her mind when it was called for. I really felt for her when she felt the constant pressure from her parents to do well and how she felt that she really didn't know what she wanted to do or be after high school. I feel that is relevant to most young people and although this novel is aimed at someone younger than me, I still felt a connection to the character and the story.

I found myself really looking forward to reading about her 29 dates which featured at the end of each of the 29 chapters, especially the very last one but wished it had been a bit longer.

The majority of the cast of characters were great, and I really enjoyed the friendships that Jisu had in Seoul and in San Francisco but especially with her friends back in Seoul. I hope we get to see more of them in future books because I would like to hear their own stories and also through them find out about Jisu because I would love to read more about her. 

I gave this book 4 out of 5 stars and would definitely recommend you give this book a go! 

Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for providing me an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.


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