Kingdom of Ash - Sarah J Maas (Throne of Glass #7)

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I finally made it to the last book in this epic series and wow what a ride it was!
So many things happened over the course of this series and there were so many characters I came to love/hate.

Overall this entire series was a wild ride that had me feeling so many things from, hate to love, happiness to sadness.
This last book was everything. I really enjoyed where she went with the story line and the characters, however I did feel that certain characters deserved better, yes even the ones I said I didn't like in the past.

The best part of this book was when the different groups started to meet up with each other. I loved seeing the little reunions, it made my heart very happy.

I kind of wish there was another book so that I can live in this world a little longer but I definitely feel that theses characters have been through more than enough and deserve some peace and quiet so when I am missing them, then I will just reread the series.

I would definitely recommend this series but would suggest doing what I did and reading one book per month and not leaving too much of a gap between the books as there are a lot of characters and a lot of story line so it's best to continue quickly so that you don't forget someone or something.
Overall 5 of 5 stars for this series!


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