O.W.L.s Magical Readathon TBR!
So this is my 3rd year doing the O.W.L.s readathon hosted by Book Roast on Youtube. The rules and instructions can be found here:
I have decided for this year's career I'm going to go for Astronomer so here are the prompts and books I plan to read:
Arithmancy: read something outside your favourite genre:
Interview with a vampire - Anne Rice
Astromomy: read majority of book when it's dark outside:
Not Your Idol - Aoi Makino
History of Magic: book feature witches/wizards:
How's Moving Castle - Diana Wynne Jones
I have also decided to do a course this year as I definitely read more than 3 books a month. I have decided to try and become and Animagus. Here are the prompts and what I plan to read:
Arithmancy: read something outside your favourite genre (while I will have completed this for my career I have decided to add another book anyway)
Joy At Work - Marie Kondo
Potions: a book under 150 pages:
Saga Vol 3 - Brian K Vaughan
Transfiguration: read a book/series that includes shapeshifting:
Wicked Fox - Kat Cho
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