'Just One Day' by Gayle Forman review

I am so glad this is the first book I decided to read in 2017 as it will most likely be in my top 5 books of 2017.

This book is about a girl who is on the last day of her holiday tour overseas and decides at the last minute to see a differnet Shakespeare play than the one her tour mates are about to see. At the play she meets a boy who changes her whole outlook on life. She impulisviely agrees to spend one day with him to go to Paris (part of the tour that she had been looking forward to previously but had been cancelled due to a strike happening at the time) and this begins her journey of self discovery.

I had recently just got back from a trip where I didn't really have the best time and just thinking about travelling again was definitely not something I was thinking about or looking forward to.  However, after reading this book it has put me in the mood to travel again. Gayle Forman paints such a picture when she writes that I felt like I was there with the characters experiencing all the sights and I definitely want to go to experience it for real. 

The Shakespeare mentioned throughout this novel also made me want to pick up and read my  Complete Shakespeare works as I am trying to finish them by June so this book was definitely a win win for me.

I never realised that there is another book focused on the male character's point of view from this novel titled 'Just One Year' and also a novella titled 'Just One Night' so I am really excited to read those.

Definitely pick up this book!


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