
Showing posts from January, 2018

A Date with Darcy (Bookish Boyfriends #1) - Tiffany Schmidt Review

I loved this book, it was so cute and funny and it also features book boyfriends so what's not to love! The main character Merrilee is an avid reader. She constantly has a book in hand and thinks 'boys are better in books.' (So relatable!) Merrilee, her younger sister Rory and her best friend Eliza are about to start at 'Hero High' (I know right!! The school even has modern-day knights, I mean how could you not love this book!) where she meets a 'magic' English teacher and soon finds herself right in the middle of her own classic book adventure. I would say this book is a retelling as it follows a certain classic novel but I won't say which as I don't want to spoil anything, even though the cover gives it away. (Just read the book! Trust me!) Merrilee is a quirky character that you just can't help fall in love with. Slightly clumsy, huge romantic, wherever she goes hijinx ensue, which makes this book charmingly hilarious. Eliza is th...

The Belles - Dhonielle Clayton Review

Being beautiful is everything, especially in the world of Orleans, a world where most are born graey. Camellia Beauregard is one of the few born beautiful, colourful, a Belle. Her and her Belle sisters have the ability to make others beautiful. The Belle's main goal is to become the favourite, the one chosen by the roayl family to live at the palace and be the royal family's own personal Belle. Camellia soon learns that things are amiss and that perhaps her gifts go beyond just making a person beautiful This book is nothing like how I expected it to be and I truly loved every single word of it. This was an intersting take on how appearnaces aren't everything, that beauty is only skin deep and that being obsessed with how you look can be a dangerous thing. I am eagerly awaiting for book 2 as this end on a cliffhanger of sorts! Thank you to Hachette Australia and NetGalley for providing me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.