Rebirth - Steven Long Mitchell & Craig W. Van Sickle Book Review
WARNING: Contains some spoilers! Ok so where I do begin! First I should probably explain how BIG of a Pretender fan I am. I basically grew up watching this show. I was 10 when it first aired and I even remember seeing the first advertisement on TV announcing that it was coming on and I was already hooked. After a 30 second ad I knew I needed to watch it. Watching the show was basically my childhood and early teen years. Any chance my sister and I had we would be watching it (we used to record the episodes on VHS - this was before TiVo) and re-watching it and re-watching it. We saw the 'Bank' episode (our favourite at the time) so many times that we could quote the ENTIRE episode word for word. Every word! Words that we didn't even understand. Whenever we got sent to bed early we would start quoting that episode and 40 or so minutes later we were done and more awake than ever. Are you getting how BIG a fan I am now? I was so devastated when the show got taken off air an...