Roll The Dice - Wayne Avrashow Review


What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...unless you're running for office and then nothing stays a secret.

Tyler Sloan, rock star, decides to leave his music career behind and run for senator in the state of Nevada. A celebrity running for office...where have I heard that before?! Honestly this book couldn't have come out a more perfect time and having Las Vegas as the backdrop was the ideal setting.

Tyler's campaign is fraught with scandals (yes more than one) and the author definitely shines a light on the corruption and what really goes on in politics.

I found the book slow to start off with but then it really picked up and I found myself rooting for Tyler and hoping he would win the race and wondering what new hurdle he would have to jump. He is a likeable character who definitely has his flaws but I think that's what made him easy to like. He was relatable. I hope the author writes a second instalment as I would really like to see where Tyler's story goes as I found myself wondering 'what now?' when I finished the book.

I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This book comes out on the 28th November 2017.


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