The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up - Marie Kondo

So I initially decided to read this book because I saw a booktuber rave about how great it was and how it changed her life. She threw out half the contents of her house so naturally I was intrigued to read it and see if it would do the same for me. Living minimistically is not a bad way to live.

First thing you should know before picking up this book is that the author is a tad eccentric. Read this book with an open mind. She talks to her possessions and encourages you to do so as well so if that is not your thing then maybe stay away from it. I also read the reviews of this book on goodreads before I started it and a lot of people were saying that they thought it was a bunch of nonsense and a few had a lot of laughs while reading it because the author is a little strange.

However, if you can look past that then I think this book can be beneficial. You do not need to talk to your possessions if you do not want to though. No one will know.

The premise of this book is 'if something does not give you joy then get rid of it' obviously this does not include bills that need to be paid as they are a necessity in life but basically most things can be thrown away or donated.

First you start with clothes and then slowly work your way up to sentimental things like photos and such. I think this is the best way to go as you soon get the hang of getting rid of things you do not need and you can be a bit more ruthless by the time you get to the sentimental things. 

I do not agree with everything she has said in the book but then again I am no expert on tidying up like the author is. She has a 3 month waiting list just to be able to take her tidying up course and there is 100% success rate with no relapse. 

My only criticism with this book is that there are no pictures when she explains the best way to fold clothes as it is confusing reading the instructions without any visuals. However you can just google Marie Kondo folding method and her youtube video showing you how to do it comes up and is probably easier to follow then even picture would be.

If nothing else after reading this book you will definitely want to tidy your house as this book definitely inspires you to do just that.  I have not yet tested her methods but I will give it a go and will update to let everyone know how I went.

I gave this book 5 stars because it was very enjoyable and inspiring.


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